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Atelier Ryza

Atelier Ryza Official Visual Collection

Paperback (05 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

With light and shadow woven together, an unforgettable adventure awaits! Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout combines alchemy and combat for a unique JRPG experience.

Atelier Ryza: Official Visual Collection compiles the gorgeous artwork behind this refreshing entry in the Atelier series. Included are key illustrations, character concepts, and weapon & monster designs. Also, no JRPG fan will want to miss an exclusive interview with the game's developers, plus a new short story set in the world of Atelier Ryza.

Book information

ISBN: 9781772942903
Publisher: Udon Entertainment
Imprint: UDON Entertainment
Pub date:
DEWEY: 793.93
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 688g
Height: 210mm
Width: 298mm
Spine width: 14mm