Publisher's Synopsis
Treat yourself to a little history lesson on what happens when we attempt to thwart the will of the Creator. Learn how to deal with the moral issues connected with creating new human life that many failed to grasp in the twentieth century and even today. These two documents, in fifteen easy-to-understand sessions, lay out the fundamental essentials of the sanctity of marriage and its inseparable three blessings. On Christian Marriage(Casti Connubii) is the forerunner that lends its wisdom to the writings of more recent documents, and, along with On Human Life(Humanae Vitae), form a must-read for all who wish to live fully their Christian marriage. Bolster your Catholic faith with informal yet serious study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in each session. Prayers and Scripture reflection begin each session to provide additional spiritual enrichment. This Leader's Manual, companion resource for study group leaders, lays out and simplifies the process of beginning a study group and leading it to its completion. It contains the questions and answers for document study and catechesis and gives the leader both direction and practical tips in facilitating discussion for each session. Each leader will also require At the Heart of Christian Marriage - Study Guide for the complete document text.