At the Feet of the Sun

At the Feet of the Sun

Paperback (05 Dec 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Cliopher Mdang has been appointed Viceroy of Zunidh by his beloved Radiancy, the Last Emperor, who has now left him behind in the Palace to safeguard the world during his absence on a quest to find an appropriately magical heir. When he returns, he will abdicate, and Cliopher will at last retire, satisfied with having achieved most of his life's political goals--even if his long-suppressed personal dreams are starting to bubble up.

(Surely he used to have hobbies besides running the government?)

All he has to do is wait patiently for his lord's return... until adventure quite literally hits him from behind, and what was once safely hypothetical becomes intensely real.

Cliopher has always followed the stars of his chosen course: the epic oral histories of his people, the poetry of the rebel poet Fitzroy Angursell, decades of devotion and service to his Radiancy... They were enough to change the world. But are they enough to guide Cliopher home?

The sequel to The Hands of the Emperor.

Book information

ISBN: 9781988908830
Publisher: Underhill Books
Imprint: Underhill Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.6
Language: English
Number of pages: 804
Weight: 1168g
Height: 152mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 49mm