Ascension Messages From the Higher Realms

Ascension Messages From the Higher Realms The Process of Conscious Human Evolution

Paperback (06 Oct 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

We are evolving into an expanded paradigm, The New Era. As we do, we let go of beliefs that no longer serve us, and have been lingering around for ages.By holding on to outdates ways of thinking, we make it more difficult to change.Furthermore, old ways of thinking, prevent us from reaching the higher levels of consciousness we are pursuing. We update our computer operating systems on a regular basis, yet we still practice religions, and hold on to customs that are now archaic.Whatever we believe to be true, is true. An entire planet of people may accept an idea, and it becomes a collective reality. However, if one person does not consider that thought to be true, then is it still absolutely true?This is not the first time that the Collective Consciousness has been confronted with a new truth and been compelled to change its beliefs, and it will probably not be the last. Many of us are consciously part of the Ascension process, facilitating this major evolutionary quantum leap, by taking part as conduits for increased Light and Life Force Energy, more than the inhabitants of Earth have seen for an exceptionally long time. It is what we have chosen to do, it is our destiny, and it is what matters to us. Our male and female energies are becoming balanced, and we will again become the Luminous Light Beings we once were.And that is what this book is about...

Book information

ISBN: 9781732177536
Publisher: Happy Awareness Publications
Imprint: Happy Awareness Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 254
Weight: 299g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 13mm