Publisher's Synopsis
The largest protection that America has ever known is missing. The men and women who used to take care of our children, pray for our sons and daughters at war, and consistently attend church and chapel services, are missing because the world wants them elsewhere. We would have so much more protection as a nation from God if they would re-focus their energy on building Godly children and on building the church. The world over the last century has demanded that it is right for men to marry men, and men to dress like women and even go into women's bathrooms dressed like transvestites. The next step will be men to marry animals or children. It is a slippery slope, and we are sliding as we have lost our focus and fear of God and his tenants. The government and society would have a man that works make the same amount of money that a drug user on welfare makes, thus defeating the need for innovation and entrepreneurship. A criminal who steals and attacks a Police Officer is thought by many in the world to need more rights than the Police Officer. In fact, if a Police Officer gets killed in the line of duty by an African American Male who steals cigars and is high on marijuana, it is not that big of a deal and is only considered a cost of doing business. In 2014, a white male was targeted and killed by a black male on a subway in New York(who stated he was going to kill a white person), and it barely made news. What is right is wrong, and what is wrong is right. Nazi Germany started off with evil people attacking Jews, and those not involved overlooking such. If it does not effect me, why should I care? Nicole Simpson was killed by OJ Simpson in 2004, and people actually congratulated each other when OJ was found not guilty. Something is not right, and the media would have us believe otherwise. Instead of us becoming a less racist nation, where the free economy demands the best for work or hiring, quotas are set up. Where is the quota for the Chinese worker, or the Hispanic worker? We are a racist nation, not giving quotas to all, but giving quotas to one race. We are feeding the beginning of a Nazi nation, which will soon kill off its sick and old. False elections, immoral leaders, lying and corruption by people at the highest of places. We Baptists are the salt of the earth, and we are doing nothing but watching. Many people who smelled bodies burning in Concentration Camps in Germany stated they thought it was just pigs being slaughtered, but they did not know. It is time for action. Men, be the head of your home and the father to your children. Women, be the supporters of your husbands, and prepare your children for this world that is becoming increasingly evil. We need honesty, integrity, and a system of checks and balances instituted in every level of government, or we will be destroyed. It is more normal today for a man to put tattoos on their neck, smoke marijuana and drink beer on Sunday morning than for a family to gather for worship. When men preach the tenants of the Bible, and preach against sins that have destroyed mankind and civilizations before, they are placed in the Southern Poverty Law Center's records as instituting hate. Don't you get it? America, the country that was built on entrepreneurship and Christianity, cannot survive for long as a Communist nation. We cannot print enough money. Drug cartels are affiliated with US gang members, Hizballah and Iran, who wants to destroy us with nuclear weapons. North Korea wants to fire nuclear weapons into the US. Extremist African American males, affiliated with Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab want to annihilate other races in the US. 32% of individuals age 20-32 state they are atheist. Hollywood and the press wants to destroy our understanding that the nation was built on Christian values and hard work. Please, pray, read your Bible, and consider where we are. There is not much time.