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Art Is Everywhere

Art Is Everywhere

Hardback (08 Sep 2022)

  • $17.24
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Publisher's Synopsis

It's in our galleries, on our streets and even in our homes.

Join Keith, a world-renowned art historian (who also happens to be an ostrich), on a journey outside the gallery walls in search of the true meaning of art.

This extraordinary introduction to art history encourages children to see things from a different angle, challenge their own ideas, and most importantly have fun. After all, art isn't just for experts, it's for everyone to enjoy!

About the Publisher

Big Picture Press

Big Picture Press books are objects to be pored over and then returned to, again and again... created by and made for the incurably curious. We also recognize that visual excellence enhances the way we read and the stories we are told - whatever corner of the globe you're reading from. And thus our motto, taken from an old Navajo poem: MANY TONGUES ONE EYE.

Book information

ISBN: 9781787419100
Publisher: Bonnier Books UK
Imprint: Big Picture Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 701.18
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 48
Weight: 524g
Height: 223mm
Width: 286mm
Spine width: 13mm