Publisher's Synopsis
Book 1What are you going to do now your whole world has changed? Do you have a plan for the future? Are you going to take control of your life or is your situation going to control you. Do you need some help and advice to steer you in a different direction. You can't deny it your whole world has changed over the last few years and like it or not you are going to be affected. It is how you react to these changes that will determine your future. Now I am what I call an urban survivalist I have spent most of my adult life preparing for the coming collapse of our civilization as we know it. That is one of the disadvantages of falling in love with history at a very early age. In my spare time I kept finding out about early civilization, how they came and went and why. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about this generation seeing the end of western civilization, but as usual not many people are taking any notice. They still believe the government will help them. But if you look back in history you will find that the governments are the first to fall, so it is up to me and you to plan our survival. Being an urban survivalist I try to live in a very sustainable way and that means doing without some things or using a lot less of everyday things. Trying to live without the trappings of modern democratic society is extremely difficult, but you can use a lot less of everything and save a ton of money in the process. And then when civilization does decide to collapse you will not be thrown into a situation where you have to rely on a failing government for support. Living the future is about surviving the end of cheap oil. There are a few problems in the world and they all come together with hard to find oil, climate change and overpopulation. One of the differences between our civilization and past civilizations is population. Mankind's Achilles' heel is we are very good at reproducing ourselves and staying alive. In my view to survive the future you need to get away from areas that have too many people. The reason the world can support as many people as it does is because of oil. Oil makes life easy. Take away the oil and we have problems. So you do not want to be in an area where there are many people. The future doesn't look so bright so what do we do to survive it. To survive the future we have to look at what is not going to survive and live accordingly. Most futurists and historians seem to think that the huge metropolises we have created are not sustainable. Cities have been a part of mankind's existence but the planet is littered with the remains of cities that have not survived. In other places cities have been occupied for up to 5000 years and beyond. But some of these cities have had very turbulent pasts so maybe in times of crisis and collapse big cities are not the places to be. Without oil big cities will end up uninhabitable. There is no way they can survive. If the Saudi Oilfields collapsed tomorrow the cities would be very terrible places to live. The best thing you could do is just get out, but where would you go. Hopefully you would know somebody living in the countryside or in a small town. To prepare for the future you need to have a small village or town in the countryside a long way away from any big city that you can go too. With the collapse of the real estate market you should be able to pick up an old house and a couple of acres pretty cheap hopefully. Right now homesteading is becoming popular so more and more people are leaving the cities.