Publisher's Synopsis
I returned from Vietnam in May of 1967, by early 68 i was requesting help from our base physharitist. I needed help with my emotional problems. The physcicraist stated it was the separation of my parents which were the problems since they separated while i was in Vietnam. After my return i had car accident and broke both of my knees. The Marine said it was only my right knee that was the only one which received health care. I would get Darvon for my knee pain and the medication made my mind calm down. So i would complain more often. Then they would not give me more medication . I found that drinking alcohol would let my mind rest while i was drunk but then i had to deal with the hangover plus the going crazy and it was very hard, I would cry out of desperation and pray to God to help me. In 1969 i was discharged from the Marine Corps. I thought being out of the Corp would help me feel better but it did not. I started getting DWIs and into legal problems. I moved to Brownsville TX and I found a very nice woman and we got married and had two girls. It was not long since began to get mad for no reason. we moved back to Dallas and i began to have anxiety attacks. I would go to the Dallas VA hospital and i was treated for heart attack.
I went to a Veterans service officer and he filed a claim for me. the claim was for PTSD and my knees. I received a denial letter from the VA denying PTSD and awarding zero% for my knee. I hand wrote an appeal and was denied again but i could appeal to the board of veterans appeals o was afraid of taking on Judges in DC. I forgot about it and i would get jobs to support my family. I would not last long because i did not get along with people. In 1981 i filed the claim i mentioned and by now i had been treated for PTSD. In 1991 i filed another claim because i got new evidence and sent in the new material and it would be 1995 before the Board of Veterans appeals granted my PTSD claim. I was awarded 10%. $93,00 @month. I was asked if i wanted to appeal the decision and i thought hell no, it took me from 1981 to 1995 to get 10% if i upset them they will take it away. I began having trouble with my hearing and I went and asked the Ear Nose and throat for help with my hearing, I was told that unless i had been shot in the head they could not help, i had no job or insurance so I lost all my hearing in m t right ear, in 1994, then my other ear began giving me problems and i suffered with a hearing aid for many years and on January 2nd i got a Cochlear Implant for my right ear. I went to school to get a BA and I got it just as i lost my hearing in my right ear. I was teaching school because i wanted to support myself. Not hearing in one ear suddenly takes a while before you become accustomed. I began isolating more and people would make fun of me and i only did not talk too much. I began forgetting words and staying away from people altogether. The VA is a Veterans worse enemy. My knee i broke in 1968 was finally operated January of 2016. I am still waiting for my left knee which an MRI proved it to had been broken, I am waiting for a knee replacement since it never received health care, it has to be replaced, Recently our two Texas US senators expressed anger at having the distinction of having the worst Regional Office ( this is where claims are rated and the Harlingen clinic as the worst places in Texas. So what did they do Nothing, none of the politicians in the US can do anything.