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Arc Welding

Arc Welding

8th Edition

Paperback (02 Oct 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Arc Welding write-in text provides comprehensive coverage of the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and carbon arc welding (CAW) processes. The book is divided into 36 units, which progress from weld shop safety and basic welding theory to out-of-position and specialized welding techniques. The book's clear language and easy-to-understand illustrations promote student learning, while the write-in design of the book allows the instructor to monitor and evaluate student progress throughout the course. The topics covered in the book prepare students to successfully complete the Written Knowledge and Workmanship Performance Tests for Module 4 of AWS SENSE Level 1-Entry Welder certification.

Book information

ISBN: 9781605251899
Publisher: Goodheart-Willcox Publisher
Imprint: Goodheart-Willcox
Pub date:
Edition: 8th Edition
DEWEY: 671.5212
DEWEY edition: 22
Number of pages: 190
Weight: 454g
Height: 277mm
Width: 213mm
Spine width: 10mm