Publisher's Synopsis
Christianity has come a long way with no other faith matching its popularity and exploit throughout the history of the world. It has produced several renowned men and women of God ranging from true martyrs, fanatics, moderates, and even con men who have created various renowned institutions in their trails. From it, many laws and practices were coined and utilized to serve and be served by mankind. Famous world leaders and governments have utilized it in many positive and negative ways; exploiting it to keep the populace restrained at some point and unleashed at some other. It has framed the culture and tradition of most men and women, some consciously and others unconsciously. In the midst of all these, one man knowingly or not, seemingly or not, played the greatest role not in its formation, but in its shaping and molding into what it has become. The form and practice has metamorphosed acutely away from what it originally was, more increasingly so from the fourth century after Christ in which time most Emperors of Rome including Constantine embraced the faith probably due to its un-waning popularity, the doggedness and resolve of the men and women who believed and practiced it, their own personal conviction or a combination of any of these. Emperor Theodosius I made it the State religion, probably blending in some of the State tradition to make it more appealing. The less organized and unsophisticated Church of the previous three centuries of the past millennium just before these Emperors started interfering in Church doctrines may have seen less or little of Paul's influence, but these Emperors of Rome consciously or not in toeing Paul's line of severing Christ followers completely away from Judaism, contributed in making Paul more visible. While Christ and His original Apostles didn't severe themselves completely from the old Jewish faith, Paul clearly did so, making it easier for Constantine, Theodosius I and most of the Gentile world, who desperately want to cling to their old practices in spite of the new faith, toe the same line. How Paul got a foothold on Christianity in a far greater magnitude than any of the original Twelve cannot easily be explained by merely saying he wrote more books than the others. It becomes easier to explain when you start considering the content of those books or letters, not in terms of volume, but in terms of their ease in aligning with the cultural trend of the time. Paul's brand or kind of Christianity which became the most popular in the world since the fourth century and even until now, has considerably relegated all other kinds, or sects as they were called, to the background. Not even the combined influence of Peter, John and James could rob off on Christians the way Paul's influence has. If you think there is no clear difference between Paul and the others who are supposed to be pillars, or if you imagine there are no differences in Christianity in terms of doctrine, form, and practice, then this book will either serve as an eye opener or as another heresy written by yet another author. Sects have always existed prior to Christianity, like when Judaism had the Pharisees and the Sadducees sects, but the early Jesus followers who were known by the name "followers of the Way" were never so divided and factionalized until Paul. The Christian sect was one until Paul, and has never remained so after. This is based on Biblical evidences which this book has vividly cited.