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Antiracism A Critique

Paperback (06 Dec 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

While there has been a wealth of research and conversation about the role of racism in shaping our social, political and economic structures, antiracism - its highly publicized counterpart - has been very little studied, discussed or debated. Veteran race scholar John Solomos argues in this slim intervention that we urgently need to re-focus research and activist agendas to address this gap in knowledge.

The core questions addressed in the book include: what does antiracism mean in the contemporary environment? How do states, political institutions and civil society define and practise antiracism? What is the role of alliances across race, class and gender in shaping possible futures beyond racism? Moving beyond the valuable work which has already uncovered the ways in which race and racism are made and re-made, these questions cut to how to develop meaningful political and policy initiatives framed by antiracist ideas and values. If we hope to make sense of the evolution of contemporary racisms in the world around us in order to tackle them head on, antiracism needs to be better understood.

About the Publisher

Polity Press

Book information

ISBN: 9781509556229
Publisher: Polity Press
Imprint: Polity Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 305.8
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 200
Weight: 248g
Height: 138mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 18mm