
Antifa The Anti-Fascist Handbook

Paperback (14 Aug 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Born soon after fascism was invented in the early 20th century, the anti-fascist movement - aka 'antifa' - has a long, fascinating history that is surprisingly little known. As it makes a dramatic and widespread reappearance in Trump's America, this book is both a riveting history, and an accessible guide to methods used over the years to fight repressive demagogism.

Book information

ISBN: 9781612197036
Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
Imprint: Melville House
Pub date:
DEWEY: 320.53309
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 278g
Height: 127mm
Width: 202mm
Spine width: 26mm