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Animals and the Kids Who Love Them

Animals and the Kids Who Love Them Extraordinary True Stories of Hope, Healing, and Compassion

Paperback (15 Nov 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A boy and his dog, girls and their horses — the clichés click because they're so often true. But some kids do more than play with their pets, and some animals do more than fetch and purr. These kids and animals love unconditionally, and through that love, the condition of each is transformed. This collection is for animal lovers of all ages — and for anyone who wants to smile or needs to heal. You'll meet:

* Ricochet, the golden retriever who surfs in charity events to raise money for children with disabilities
* Casper, the rabbit who helps a boy sleep through the night in his foster home
* Sparkles, the Dalmatian whose fire-safety lesson saves the lives of a five-year-old and her father
* Snazzy, the black pony who helps a boy learn to talk
* Cocoa puff, the guinea pig who loves hearing children read
* Frankie, the dachshund with “wheel legs" who helps a boy with a leg brace find hope

Book information

ISBN: 9781577319597
Publisher: New World Library
Imprint: New World Library
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.0887
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 194
Weight: 266g
Height: 143mm
Width: 217mm
Spine width: 13mm