Animal Icons in Worship

Animal Icons in Worship A Nudge at Life's Purpose

Paperback (06 Jun 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The book 'Animal Icons' takes an eclectic approach in dealing with the theme. The book in a rather interesting manner brings out the contemporary relevance of animal worship. The subject in hand has a purpose, that is, to drive home the importance of zoolatry or animal worship in our lives. The author Monica Das has explored the theme in its various dimensions and has beautifully presented relevant brass tacks that can open up vistas of knowledge to serve humanity in myriad ways.

She endearingly dwells on the jewels of the jungle that are a critical component of humanity. She refers to 'Esho Funi' - The Buddhist concept of oneness of man and environment in this regard. The book contains facts concerning the origin of animal worship which runs close to the concept of animal conservation. Apart from other things, the book mentions about highly fascinating ways of animal worship and the aesthetics surrounding this practice. Reading in between the lines one can uncover a magical solution to shift pain into wondrous love. Besides, she very aptly points to issues like endangered animal species, present-day planetary crises, grim paranoia and yet going parallel with this the self-denialism regarding the burning planet. However, fortunately significant institutions are doing their bit to alleviate the situation of an impending inferno staring us in the face. The content has been carefully curated to inform and delight the reader. There's a famous saying, "Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawaken".

The foreword of the book has been given by Mr Ravi Singh, Secretary General & CEO, WWF-India.

Book information

ISBN: 9781645604006
Publisher: Black Eagle Books
Imprint: Black Eagle Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 146
Weight: 236g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 10mm