Animal Anatomy

Animal Anatomy

Hardback (10 May 2018)

  • $152.34
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Publisher's Synopsis

As a part of life sciences, anatomy refers to the study of structure of living organisms and their body parts. It uses the elements of evolutionary biology, embryology, phylogeny, comparative anatomy, etc. to study, analyze and understand the structure of living beings. Animal anatomy refers to the study of structure of animals. It includes understanding animal tissues, vertebrate anatomy, arthropod anatomy, etc. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts in the field of animal anatomy. It outlines the processes and applications of this field in detail. This textbook is meant for students who are looking for an elaborate reference text on animal anatomy.

Book information

ISBN: 9781635497595
Publisher: Larsen and Keller Education
Imprint: Larsen and Keller Education
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 247
Weight: 836g
Height: 214mm
Width: 286mm
Spine width: 21mm