Publisher's Synopsis
For more than a decade, Rabbi Craig Scheff and Rabbi Paula Mack Drill have been sharing ideas and experiences in a blog published by Orangetown Jewish Center called "Two Rabbis, One Voice, Three Opinions." To celebrate Rabbi Drill's retirement from full-time pulpit life after twenty-two years at OJC, and to honor the community that has been a source of inspiration and support for both rabbis, this book is being published.
In a world where we are being bombarded by sound-bytes and messages constantly, often with little relevance to our lives, Rabbi Scheff and Rabbi Drill believe it has been their obligation to share their message of inclusive, vibrant, and egalitarian Judaism as widely and effectively as possible. The blog proved to be a powerful way for these two rabbis to disseminate their message, engage community, and bring readers closer to God, Jewish values, and Jewish living. They have now chosen their favorite 36 (Double Chai! - Life!) posts to share the Torah that has been revealed in classes and discussions; the prayers that have been answered every day; and the Divine presence that is made manifest in the acts of selflessness that have taken place in our community in countless ways.