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Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan

Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan - Arcturus World Mythology

Paperback (01 May 2024)

  • $13.42
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Publisher's Synopsis

This enthralling collection brings together over 50 ancient tales from Japanese folklore, gathered and retold by 19th century traveler and naturalist Richard Gordon Smith.

During his journeys around Japan, Smith recorded ancient Japanese myths and legends in his personal diaries. The result is a fascinating collection of historical legends from all over Japan, with themes including ghosts, unrequited love, Shinto landscape, tree and ocean spirits, samurai culture and tales driven by Bushido and Buddhist ethics.

Gordon Smith's writing combines a realist style with supernatural elements, resulting in an anthology of 'magic realist' tales which will bewitch and captivate readers.

ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus World Mythology series brings together captivating retellings of myths and legends from different oral traditions, from Greek and Roman to Norse and Native American, offering rich insight into their cultures and beliefs.

Book information

ISBN: 9781398834552
Publisher: Arcturus Publishing
Imprint: Arcturus
Pub date:
DEWEY: 398.20952
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 362g
Height: 152mm
Width: 234mm
Spine width: 24mm