An Odyssey in Steam

An Odyssey in Steam 'Rocket' to 'Evening Star'

Hardback (01 Jun 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An Odyssey in Steam is renowned artist David Bell's fifth book which features his beautiful and complex paintings of steam engines and locomotives with captivating technical accuracy. It is a unique look at the railways during the age of steam featuring many of the engines currently at The National Railway Museum in York including the Rocket; the Flying Scotsman; the Evening Star; the Duke of Gloucester and the Mallard.  

This book is a eulogy that captures the skills, sounds and smells of the great days of steam travel and one which will be coveted by rail enthusiasts, modellers and artists alike; a beautiful and evocative collection of drawings and paintings from the end of steam on our railways in the late sixties to the many well established heritage centres of today.  

Representing David's personal recollections and time with steam engines, stations, sheds and railways past and present, it links factual text with atmospheric yet accurate portrayals of some of the many locomotives that once were alive and seen every day and is an aesthetically stunning combination of words and pictures.

Book information

ISBN: 9781846892523
Publisher: Quiller Publishing Ltd
Imprint: Quiller Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 625.2610941
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 102
Weight: 996g
Height: 307mm
Width: 256mm
Spine width: 16mm