An Innocent Abroad: The Misadventures of an Exchange Teacher in Montana: Award-Winner's Edition

An Innocent Abroad: The Misadventures of an Exchange Teacher in Montana: Award-Winner's Edition

Award-winner's edition

Paperback (31 Dec 2015)

  • $19.03
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Publisher's Synopsis

When, in 1978, taking a bold step into the unknown, the author, accompanied by his wife and young family, swapped his boring existence in Grangemouth in central Scotland for life in Missoula, Montana, in the western United States, he could never have foreseen just how much of a life-changing experience it would turn out to be. As an exchange teacher, he was prepared for a less formal atmosphere in the classroom, while, for their part, his students had been warned that he would be "Mr Strict." It was not long before this clash of cultures reared its ugly head and the author found life far more exciting than he had bargained for.

Book information

ISBN: 9780993493201
Publisher: Extremis Publishing Ltd.
Imprint: Extremis Publishing Ltd.
Pub date:
Edition: Award-winner's edition
DEWEY: 917.860434
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 487
Weight: 538g
Height: 201mm
Width: 131mm
Spine width: 32mm