Publisher's Synopsis
"Eerie and thought-provoking, author James Johnson's novel An American Abduction is fiendishly difficult to put down. Once you think you've figured out where it's going, there's another surprise twist right around the corner. When you combine great characters and the supernatural with thrilling action, how can you go wrong? Don't be surprised if this killer story makes you start to think alien life truly exists."
- J.J. Hebert, USA Today bestselling author
Alien abductions, secret government programs, international espionage, religious beliefs, futuristic technology.
Two Yale honor students, Matt & Tangie Riley, marry after college and are offered jobs by a CIA-run secret underground facility known as Global Observation Defense, or G.O.D., adjacent to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. They are tasked with developing a mind-control process. The program is extremely secretive, and an unlikely group wants to find out more. The couple are abducted by aliens, and they plant a spy chip in Matt to track what is happening in the complex.
One of the two CIA agents running the GOD facility is a Russian spy who plans to sell the information to his country and help Russia conquer America. The other is a Columbian official who has ties to the Columbian drug cartels and plans to use the information to help Columbia expand its drug empire. Both men plan to eliminate each other and deliver the mind-control program to their respective countries once a breakthrough materializes.
The CIA does not share what is going on in the facility with the NSA, who tracks down Matt and Tangie to find out the contents of the complex with the intent to destroy it.
Matt is agnostic. Tangie is a devout Christian. Their beliefs will be challenged, their bodies will be tested, and no one knows what will happen.