Publisher's Synopsis
America Needs Adult Advice is both a statement and an indictment of our society. Americans are distracted by the cornucopia of information, much of it blithe spirited, theoretical constructs of a dubious nature, pablum to pacify our guilt, and courses catering to the sensual, distractive, and anti-social. Destructive methods and theories abound untethered to truth. Logic is impugned, belief systems are under heavy siege, history is rebuffed and ignored, and assaults on our constitutional core values have been maligned and corrupted.Someone needs to give adult advice, and I am both qualified and enthused to provide guidance and offer an anchor in a sea of miasma. From the basic foundation of character and character-building to the reinforcement of truth, a copy of America Needs Adult Advice should be given every young person, everyone with errant and aberrant behavior, friends who have expressed both a need and a yearning for solutions to the vicissitudes of life, and everyone we know as a go-to book for positive perspectives.I have been a university faculty member, military commander, business owner, deacon, political participant, and writer. I will take you through common sense and how to stay calm, to lessons on how to get out of depression and open doors. There are sections for the elderly, finding faith, achieving excellence, honesty and trust, and love and kindness. I captured the "truth that is out there."