Alter's Rose

Alter's Rose

Paperback (22 May 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"The Tale of Alter and His Beloved Rose"


In a picturesque town on the north side, Alter, a dedicated landscaper, tended to a beautiful garden of a homeowner. Among various plants, there was one that captured Alter's heart: a magnificent flower named Rose. This book tells the endearing journey of Alter's unwavering love and care for this beloved flower.

A Ten-Year Connection

For a decade, Alter nurtured Rose, a radiant sunflower with long stems and vibrant yellow petals. While other plants came and went, Rose remained a constant source of joy and inspiration for Alter. He believed in Rose's resilience and ability to thrive amidst life's challenges.


Alter's endearing journey with his beloved Rose, reminds us of the profound connections we can forge with nature. Through unwavering love, care, and unyielding belief, the connection we have with others remains through life's alterations.

Who is this book for?

This book is for readers who are a fans of nature, gardening, humor, and education.

A great gift for holidays, birthdays, and special occasions!

Book information

ISBN: 9781088139288
Publisher: Kevision Books
Imprint: Kevision Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 20
Weight: 32g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 1mm