All Mad Here

All Mad Here Looking Glass Saga - Looking Glass Saga

Paperback (09 Sep 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

She was starting to feel the defeat in her victories. Another day. Another day... Adrianna is taking matters into her own hands. If Alice wasn't going to help herself, then she was going to do it for her. After saving her from another holiday with her father, she was ready for Wonderland to come back into her life again and she was prepared. But the days keep passing and everything remains far too quiet. Alice is tired. She's done everything she could possibly think of to make the people around her happy, but it still isn't enough. Nothing she ever does is enough, and Alice isn't sure why she's trying so hard to resist the madness for them.

Book information

ISBN: 9781988911380
Publisher: Scrap Paper Entertainment
Imprint: Scrap Paper Entertainment
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 276
Weight: 318g
Height: 203mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 16mm