Publisher's Synopsis
Book Excerpt: ...wear, --""The chair thinks the member's remarks are not strictly in order," interposed Frank, who was much pained to hear his friend use such violent language.He saw that Charles was smarting under the effects of the ridicule which his companions had cast upon him, and that, in his struggle to make a speech, and thus redeem himself from the obloquy of a failure, he had permitted his impulses to override his judgment."I forbear, then," continued the speaker. "But I beg the club to consider the probable consequences of admitting such a fellow into the association. We have thus far enjoyed a good reputation, and we ought to be very careful how we tamper with our respectability.""Ahem!" said Fred."Order!""A good name is rather to be chosen than--than purple and fine linen.""Than what!" exclaimed Fred."Great riches," added Frank, with a smile, and even he was forced to admit "that the member was singularly unfortunate in his quotations.""You have my opinion, gentlemen,".