Publisher's Synopsis
ALISHER NAVOI: LIFE & POEMS Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Alisher Navoi (1441 - 1501) was a Central Asian Turkic Sufi poet, politician, linguist, scientist, author, calligrapher, art-patron, intellectual, painter, builder... of Uyghur origin who was born and lived in Herat (now north-western Afghanistan). He is generally known by his pen name Navoi ('the weeper'). Under the pen name Navoi, Alisher was among the key writers who revolutionized the literary use of the Turkic languages. Navoi himself wrote primarily in the Chagatai language and produced 30 works over a period of 30 years, during which Chagatai became accepted as a prestigious and well-respected literary language. Navoi also wrote in Persian (under the pen name of Fani, and to a much lesser degree in Arabic and Hindi. Navoi's best-known poems are found in his four divans, or poetry collections, which total roughly 50,000 couplets. Each part of the work corresponds to a different period of a person's life. Many of his gazels & robai's are represented in this translation in the correct forms for the first time. Introduction: Turkish & Sufi Poetry, Life & Times of Alisher Navoi, Selected Bibliography. 120 pages Introduction to Sufi Poets Series AATISH, ASHGAR, AHMED YESEVI, 'AISHAH Al-BA'UNIYAH, AMIR KHUSRAU, ANSARI, ANVARI, AL-MA'ARRI, 'ARIFI, 'ATTAR, ABU SA'ID, AUHAD UD-DIN, BABA FARID, BABA AZFAL, BABA TAHIR, BEDAR, BEDIL, BULLEH SHAH, DARA SHIKOH, DARD, FAIZI, GHALIB, GHANI KASHMIRI, HAFIZ, HALI, HASAN DEHLAVI, HATEF, HUMA, IBN 'ARABI, IBN YAMIN, IBN AL-FARID, IQBAL, INAYAT KHAN, 'IRAQI, JAHAN KHATUN, JAMI, JIGAR, KAMAL AD-DIN, KABIR, KHAQANI, KHAYYAM, LALLA DED, MAHSATI, MAKHFI, MANSUR HALLAJ, MIR, MOMIN, MU'IN UD-DIN CHISHTI, NAZIR, NESIMI, NIZAMI, NUND RISHI, OBEYD ZAKANI, PAUL, QUTUB SHAH, RABI'A, RAHIM, RAHMAN BABA, RUMI, SADI, SA'IB, SANA'I, SARMAD, SAUDA, SEEMAB, SHABISTARI, SHAH LATIF, SHAH NI'MAT'ULLAH, SHEFTA, SULTAN BAHU, URFI, WALI, YUNUS EMRE, ZAFAR, ZAUQ, EARLY ARABIC, PERSIAN, URDU, TURKISH, AFGHAN SUFI POETS. 90-120 pages Paul Smith (b. 1945) is a poet, author and translator of many books of Sufi poets from the Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, Pashtu and other languages including Hafiz, Sadi, Nizami, Rumi, 'Attar, Sana'i, Jahan Khatun, Obeyd Zakani, Mu'in, Amir Khusrau, Nesimi, Kabir, Anvari, Ansari, Jami, Khayyam, Rudaki, and others, and his own poetry, fiction, biographies, plays, children's books and screenplays.