Alfa Romeo & Mille Miglia

Alfa Romeo & Mille Miglia

Hardback (10 Jun 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Alfa Romeo and the Mille Miglia are two names packed with fascination and legend, both for the prestige of the Brescian race and the epic feats of the drivers and the Portello-built cars on the roads of the unforgettable Italian marathon. No other marque can boast of competing in such a large number Mille Miglias, and especially not of such a series of successful results collected by Alfa Romeo in the celebrated Race of the Red Arrow. To tell this long and spectacular story of road racing at its best is the authoritative pen of Andrea Curami, who relives the long and distinguished career of Alfa Romeo at the Mille Miglia, all illustrated by rare archive pictures."

Book information

ISBN: 9788879115049
Publisher: Giorgio NADA Editore
Imprint: Giorgio NADA Editore
Pub date:
Number of pages: 159
Weight: 1066g
Height: 278mm
Width: 248mm
Spine width: 17mm