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Aino + Alvar Aalto

Aino + Alvar Aalto A Life Together

Hardback (07 Sep 2023)

  • $128.31
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Publisher's Synopsis

A visual biography of Aino and Alvar Aalto, who designed some of the most iconic objects of the twentieth century

Aino and Alvar Aalto together founded Artek and created some of the most celebrated objects and buildings of the twentieth century. Through letters, documents, drawings, and family photographs, Alvar and Aino's grandson tells the stories of their life together, in Finland and abroad, drawing on many of the never-before-published letters they sent to each other and to family, friends, and colleagues, until Aino's death in 1949.

The first monograph to specifically examine and celebrate the life and work of Aino and Alvar as a shared endeavour, this personal and intimate look at the unconventional lives of one of the most influential design couples of the twentieth century has been warmly and accessibly written by Aino and Alvar's grandson, who has drawn on the family's largely unpublished archive, including personal letters, snapshots, and sketches.

About the Publisher

Phaidon Press Limited

Phaidon is the world's premier publisher of books on the visual arts. We believe passionately in the creative act and aim to make it exciting and understandable by all and to celebrate its greatness in everything we produce. We have published books with some of the most creative artists, architects, designers, photographers and chefs of the 20th and 21st centuries. We work collaboratively with the creative arts world's most inspiring names to achieve the most faithful representation of, and the truest insight into, the way those artists and visionaries interact with the world around them - whatever medium they work in.

Book information

ISBN: 9781838666071
Publisher: Phaidon Press Ltd
Imprint: Phaidon Press Limited
Pub date:
DEWEY: 720.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 2048g
Height: 312mm
Width: 250mm
Spine width: 40mm