Age of Betrayal

Age of Betrayal The Triumph of Money in America, 1865-1900

Paperback (08 Apr 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Age of Betrayal is a brilliant reconsideration of America's first Gilded Age, when war-born dreams of freedom and democracy died of their impossibility. Focusing on the alliance between government and railroads forged by bribes and campaign contributions, Jack Beatty details the corruption of American political culture that, in the words of Rutherford B. Hayes, transformed "a government of the people, by the people, and for the people" into "a government by the corporations, of the corporations, and for the corporations." A passionate, gripping, scandalous and sorrowing history of the triumph of wealth over commonwealth.

Book information

ISBN: 9781400032426
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Imprint: Vintage Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 512
Weight: 436g
Height: 214mm
Width: 245mm
Spine width: 46mm