Against That Time

Against That Time - The Maauro Chronicles

Paperback (15 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

by Edward F. McKeown

Wrik Trigardt, disgraced military pilot, and his companion, the ancient android Maauro, have survived their initial battles with the Guild, Confed government and the ancient Infestor Artifact. With the aid of the beautiful and canny Jaelle and the reluctant service of the former crimelord Dusko, they have established Lost Planet expeditions to go where others dare not. But the reach of the government is long and they are soon called on to a journey to a gas giant on the edge of Confed space among the utterly alien Ribisans. There they will face an enemy who can twist time and space. Each move could bring interstellar war. Maauro and Wrik's friendship deepens in new and unexpected ways as they must battle their inner limitations as well as this new enemy.

Against that Time continues Wrik's search for redemption and Maauro's quest for identity in this new existence she has begun since being found after 50,000 years on an asteroid in My Outcast State.

Do Androids Dream of Alien Smugglers, Galactic Heroes, Space Pirates, and Alien War? Are they capable of Precognition and Predicting the Future? Can they learn to be human? Can an Android-Human Friendship transcend the differences between flesh and circuit? Freebooters on a Secret Interstellar Mission Team up with an incredibly powerful Android Woman to track down an Ancient Alien Artifact on a Mysterious Alien Planet. Rocket into this Science Fiction Spectacle of Sentient Races and High Adventure throughout The Milky Way Galaxy. Military Science Fiction Space Opera Romance has never been more fun!

Book information

ISBN: 9781943690060
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Moondream Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 282
Weight: 381g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm