Publisher's Synopsis
The flashing blue and white lights and thunderous sounds continued. A new and strange world began to take form. It seemed to be painted by some unseen magical hand.
On the outside of the store the appearance was normal but on the inside the store kept on growing and taking on a life of its own, until suddenly a explosion of light transformed part of the store into a magical land. Inside this new land the items of the grocery store began to come to life but at the back of the store was very quiet untouched yet by the magical light. Towards the back of the store a dim yellowish light could be seen. There were still some aisles left in the grocery story. Out of the blue the silence at the back of the store was broken by a loud crash and laughter as the magical light swept through the last parts of the Safe& Fresh Grocery. The sound of the crash and laughter was coming from where the fruit and produce section used to be. Near the fruit and produce section was several overturned trays of pies and doughnuts. "Shh! You will wake up the bread," a voice said in a hushed tone. The laughter stopped. "Yeah whatever lets wake up the bread! Yippee! Said a banana swinging on a make shift rope and crashing into another tray of doughnuts and pies. "Banana Slick stop goofing off you are going to get us caught," a plump red apple with short stubby legs said. Banana with a big cheesy grin strolled over to the apple. "Relax Apple Edison. Why you so uptight? You are always uptight. Let's have some fun," the brash Banana said as he slapped Apple on his back. Apple looked at Banana and shook his head and smiled. "I am not that upright." "Yeah right you are as tight as a jar of pickles and look at your shirt." "What about my shirt. I think it's nice," Apple said in a defensive voice. "Must you have your last name printed on it? EDISON," Banana said as he laughed. "Whatever, what do you want to do today?" Apple asked. Banana picked up a large doughnut and started twirling it around him like a hula-hoop. "Yeah baby! This is how you do it," Banana said as he spun the doughnut faster and faster around him. "Seriously Banana what do you want to do?" Banana suddenly stopped and his playful eyes suddenly became serious. "Let's get out of here." "Out of where," Apple replied confused by Banana's unusual request. "Let's blow this Popsicle stand." Apple was still confused. "What are you talking about?" Banana shook his head at Apple. "Some fruits call you a genius but for a brainiac you can be quite dumb. I am talking about escaping this fruit aisle." Apple took a step back from Banana his mouth wide open. "Are you kidding me we never have left the fruit section of the village." "Exactly my well rounded friend, haven't you ever thought of what's out there outside of our village?" Apple thought for a moment. "Well yeah but this is dangerous thinking." "Well you know me dangerous is my middle name," Banana said proudly as he puffed out his canary yellow chest. "If we are to leave where would we go? " Apple asked. "To the Aisle of Cookies!" Banana said as he rose up his arms triumphantly.