Publisher's Synopsis
Psychologists have long been interested in the problems of children, but in the last 20 years this interest has increased dramatically. The in- tensified focus on clinical child psychology reflects an increased belief that many adult problems have their origin in childhood and that early treatment is often more effective than treatment at later ages, but it also seems to reflect an increased feeling that children are inherently important in their own right. As a result of this shift in emphasis, the number of publications on this topic has multiplied to the extent that even full-time specialists have not been able to keep abreast of all new developments. Researchers in the more basic fields of child psychol- ogy have a variety of annual publications and journals to integrate research in their areas, but there is a marked need for such an integra- tive publication in the applied segment of child and developmental psychology. Advances in Clinical Child Psychology is a serial publication designed to bring together original summaries of the most important developments each year in the field. Each chapter is written by a key figure in an innovative area of research or practice or by an individual who is particularly well qualified to comment on a topic of major contemporary importance. Each author has followed the stan- dard format in which his or her area of research was reviewed and the clinical implications of the studies were made explicit.