Publisher's Synopsis
Winter Theme:Our Love for GodDeuteronomy | Joshua | Psalms | Matthew | Philippians | JamesOur lessons begin with God's demands for our complete and undivided love as shown in passages from Deuteronomy and Psalms. They proceed with our response to God's love in the advent of Christ and the Epistles' interpretations of the nature and extent of our responses to God's love in Christ. They conclude with passages from three of the Psalms expressing glorification of God. The student book lesson writer is Stan Purdum; the writer of the lessons in the teacher book is Mark Price.God Commands Our Love, Respect, and ObedienceThe first unit offers five lessons. The Deuteronomy passage contains a presentation of God's demand for total love and devotion. The lesson from Joshua contains his faithful statement of love and reverence for a liberating God. Our lesson from Psalm 103 reviews David's expressions of love and glorification for God's creative, sustaining, and protective actions. The lesson from Luke portrays the advent of Christ and the human response to God's act of fulfilling the promise. Finally, the text from Matthew challenges us to love God through compassionate works.Loving God by Trusting ChristThe quarter's second unit also offers five lessons. Matthew continues to inspire trust in God for all things, while James encourages total submission to God in love. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul gives an interpretation of human devotion to God in Christ; promotes selfless devotion through exemplification of Christ's total submission to God in love; and encourages giving up everything for the sake of one's love for Christ.Love Songs That Glorify GodThe final unit this quarter offers three lessons from Psalms. Psalm 48 focuses on a song of adoration for God's steadfast love; Psalm 66 focuses on part of a love song of praise to God for mighty works of goodness; and Psalm 91 closes this unit with a praise song for assurance of protection and comfort for those who love God.Hundreds of thousands of students and teachers use Adult Bible Studies each week in Sunday school classes, mid-week Bible studies, and other small group settings. Bible-based and Christ-focused, it is an approved resource by the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. It is published quarterly.Each week's lesson features: A purpose statement offering focus and direction for the lesson. Printed biblical text from The Common English Bible. Reliable and relevant biblical explanation and application A closing prayer, guiding personal commitment.Free Extras! All found at www.adultbiblestudies.comCurrent Events SupplementThe free Current Events Supplement offers a way to connect each week's lesson to a timely event or topic in the news. The supplements can enhance all resources using the Uniform Series. Visit the Adult Bible Studies website and sign-up for the Adult Bible Studies Newsletter to automatically receive a link to the latest edition of the supplement!Register for the Forums at, and you can post and read comments about the lessons from other readers.