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Adjudicatory Criminal Procedure

Adjudicatory Criminal Procedure Cases, Statutes, and Materials

Second Edition edition

Hardback (31 Jul 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

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The Second Edition of Adjudicatory Criminal Procedure is a truly distinct offering in the adjudicatory criminal procedure textbook market. Carefully-edited cases, statutes, and rules frame the book's insightful commentary and illuminating analysis. The textbook's focus on federal procedure is complemented by a thoughtful recognition of the significance of state practice. Built-in, optional skills exercises grounded in the doctrine, and interactive hyperlinks to up-to-date, real-world applications of covered legal concepts accentuate this lean and well-edited modern textbook. The students and professors who work through the rich material will have the choice of a variety of pedagogical tools to enhance comprehension and mastery. With its mixture of doctrine, theory, policy, practical skills focus, this is a textbook designed to help professors challenge the students of today and prepare the lawyers of tomorrow.

Book information

ISBN: 9798887861135
Publisher: West Academic
Imprint: Foundation Press
Pub date:
Edition: Second Edition edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 512
Weight: -1g
Height: 254mm
Width: 191mm