Publisher's Synopsis
Adam Dant's Political Maps is an all-new collection of this highly regarded artist's intricate, absorbing and beautiful maps, this time focused on the world of politics. Informed by his experiences as the official artist of the UK general election in 2015, these glorious works of art are amusing and subversive, hugely imaginative and packed with eyecatching detail.
Themes range across the spectrum of British and global politics past and present, bringing in recent political upheavals ('Stop That Brexit') and current issues such as the controversy around certain statues ('Iconoclastic London'), alongside more timeless subjects like a map of US presidents ('Presidents of the United States of America'), and, of course, the pandemic ('Viral London'). Other highlights include:
Il de Cameron: the intricacies of recent British politics mapped onto Boccaccio's Decameron, starring David Cameron
New York Tawk: A visualisation of New York City through a century of its slang
Johnson's London: Notorious places associated with Prime Minister
Boris Johnson, including all the houses he has ever lived in
British Left Groups: A fascinating history of left-wing parties and pressure groups through the decades
Quitting Europe: the sadness of Brexit, encapsulated in exotic European cigarette packets from the artist's youth
Witty and whimsical, acerbic and intelligent, this unique collection will delight history enthusiasts, art lovers and politics buffs of all persuasions, and its large format guarantees hours of happy browsing of the densely packed detail Adam Dant brings to all his images.