Publisher's Synopsis
Penned by Yawar Maajed, also known as the Dr. Seuss of Hindi and Urdu, Aafat Ki Ziyaafat is an amazing narrative poem with silly rhymes and sillier graphics. In this story, little Puplu embarks on the great task of arranging a feast at his home, but he comes across all kinds of crazy guests on the way! The giggles of your little one will start in the very first stanza and get louder and louder as you progress through each page together.
This book is printed in Urdu and Hindi separately and along with Urdu and Hindi, Roman English is also included for the readers that can't read the Urdu and Hindi script fluently. A list of unfamiliar words is included at the end with their meaning for the readers. A song version of this amazing story is available on Yawar Maajed's social media channels including YouTube and Facebook. Happy reading!