Publisher's Synopsis
The next astonishing era of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN begins as Peter Parker is back and down on his luck, but poised to set upon the greatest adventure of his career, an adventure NO ONE will see coming!
Joe Kelly is an award winning writer who launched the first Deadpool series in the 1990's, had successful long term runs on Uncanny X-Men, Action Comics, JLA, Superboy, Supergirl, and the creator of the hit animated series Ben 10!
Peter Parker is, shockingly, without a job and looking for gainful employment - but his search is interrupted by a rampaging Rhino, who is but the tip of a Sinister iceberg!
What major Spider-Villain is working behind the scenes weaponizing other Spider-Villains, including one we haven't seen in almost seven years?! Also, what is that Goblin-free Norman Osborn up to, anyway?
COLLECTING: Amazing Spider-Man (2025) 1-6