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AFK - Away from Keyboard

AFK - Away from Keyboard Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Wifi and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?

First Edition

Paperback (01 Sep 2017)

  • $14.60
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Publisher's Synopsis

Every parent knows that love/hate relationship they have with their 8-13 year old's screen time. How much is too much? We want them to be tech-literate, but we also feel guilty when they are glued to a screen. Who has time to organise creative activities for their kids these days? What if you could provide them with instant, ready made creative mini-projects to get them away from the console? Enter AFK. Give them a reason to be away from the keyboard. AFK is packed full of fun creative ideas and activities. Design your own T-Shirt. Create your own mini comic. 7 day drawing challenge. Design your own sneakers. Collaging, doodling, interviewing, story writing, listing, designing, colouring and sketching. Plus much much more. AFK provides 144 pages of creative activities - the perfect antidote to either boredom at home or keeping them entertained when they're on the move. Go AFK today. You. Must. Create.

About the Publisher

Carpet Bombing Culture

Carpet Bombing Culture is your counter-cultural publisher par excellence. Our aim is to provide you, dear reader, with premium quality art and photography books littered with vitriolic and highly subjective commentary to aid you in pursuing the guerrilla warfare that is 21st century everyday life.* *We make books. You buy them. Your life is better.

Book information

ISBN: 9781908211293
Publisher: Carpet Bombing Culture
Imprint: Carpet Bombing Culture
Pub date:
Edition: First Edition
DEWEY: 793.01922
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 510g
Height: 212mm
Width: 213mm
Spine width: 16mm