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A Woman Like You

A Woman Like You Now & Then Series

Paperback (26 Dec 2016)

  • $22.61
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Publisher's Synopsis

An ongoing journey through life, love ... and recovery. In the first installment of the Now & Then Series, A Girl Like You, Amanda Harrington, wife, mother, and educated professional checks herself into rehab. At rock bottom, she begins the process of retracing her life's journey and the circumstances that led her into addiction. In A Woman Like You, Amanda examines her life during her turbulent twenties. Still conflicted over falling for her best friend Tanner and losing her first love Braden, Amanda finds herself lost in anxiety and reeling from the aftermath of decisions clouded by drugs and alcohol. As she struggles with adulthood, she successfully hides her double life from those who think they know her best-including herself. When history collides with her present, her wary heart must make another choice. Will she finally come clean or bury her past? Can Amanda find the path to redemption while concealing the devil inside of her?

Book information

ISBN: 9780997863826
Publisher: On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space
Imprint: Last Page Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 470
Weight: 621g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 24mm