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A Westerly Wind Brings Witches

A Westerly Wind Brings Witches A Cornish Odyssey : A Novel

C format original

Paperback (01 Apr 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Winner of Kindred Spirit Magazine's 2024 WRITER OF THE YEAR MBS AWARD  

Moira Box, with not a lot going for her, legs it down to Cornwall to join a cantankerous coven of stroppy women. Shapeshifting poor Mogs back to The Burning Times, when women's role in the lingering rural folkways was disappearing from Merrie England.

But today, wild women wrapped in cloaks pop up amongst the Cornish standing stones on a full moon basis! Wriggling out of the closet woodwork, giggling and garnished with glitzy-witchy fashion accessories, still stubbornly non-compliant and undoubtedly up to mischief...  

Witches and Wisewomen, reclaiming female spirituality, unearthing our buried pagan roots. An outside-the-box book, a feel-good tale, a pick-me-up for the perpetually put-down, a bag of comforts for the comfort eater. Sweep away the acceptable respectable and jump on your broomstick! Fly past perimeters, transcend our taken-for-granted reality and hang on tight for a bumpy ride!

About the Publisher

Moon Books

What is Paganism? a religion, a spirituality, an alternative belief system, nature worship? You can find support for all these definitions (and many more) in dictionaries, encyclopedias, and text books of religion, but subscribe to any one and the truth will evade you. Above all Paganism is a creative pursuit, an encounter with reality, an exploration of meaning and an expression of the soul. Druids, Heathens, Wiccans and others, all contribute their insights and literary riches to the Pagan tradition. Moon Books invites you to begin or to deepen your own encounter, right here, right now.

Book information

ISBN: 9781803414584
Publisher: John Hunt Publishing
Imprint: Moon Books
Pub date:
Edition: C format original
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 336
Weight: 384g
Height: 139mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 24mm