Publisher's Synopsis
This tribute is to the 'woman' that before her, I was less than 'nothing', with her, I started to become 'something', and now I'm invicible'. She brought me from nothing, to something, too someone who can change the world.
When I was a boy growing up, most people said, "I wouldn't live to reach manhood, if I did, I would end up in jail", but by the grace of 'God' and the support from my wife, I prove them all wrong.
I give thanks everyday to 'God' for putting you in my life. I also give thanks to you for staying with me after all the wrong, pain, disappointment, and suffering I cause you. But most of all, for not killing me in my sleep (God know's you had every reason to do so). You have been the anchor that kept my ship from dripping away, the thing that held it in place when it was driffing out to the open sea. Because of you I was able to charter a new course, maintain it, and reach our goals.
If 'God' had not put you in my life, my ship would have sail to places unknown. A place were there is no future (where time stands still), a place where lost people end up (hell on earth). Thank you for saving me from that, (thank you for showing me the right directions), to the right places in life, and a (special thank's) too you, for helping me get there.
I can't even see life (without you with me) all I can see without you 'is' a empty space. That seems like a black hole with no light at the end (a dead end). My future would be nothing without you being in the future with me. You are my better half. That part of me where good exists. The part that will take me from the darkness into the light.
This book is a tribute to you (my wife) Rutha M. Hall because, you are the 'wind' in my sail's where ever my ship end's up, it's because of your 'wind' and 'God's' navigation. I was just the tool he used. A blind man that couldn't see.
So, this book is a tribute to the most wonderful woman, 'God' could ever send a man, he sent me you "Rutha M. Hall". A woman that could stay with a man after all the wrong and bad things I did to you 'thank you' from the bottom of my heart.
You stayed with me after all the disrespect, the women, the drugs, and alcohol for over 30 years, again 'thank you', and "please!!, please!!!" forgive me (once more).
Because I know this (ship) has other goals to reach and I know this (ship) will reach those 'goals' because of your 'wind' and 'God's' navigation, how can it not.
Thank you for being my wife, "Rutha M. Hall" you saved my life.