Publisher's Synopsis
(Disclaimer: This is not a new title; it is the self published version of The Scandal of Lady Eleanor.) The men of the REALM have served their country, while ignoring their responsibilities to home and love, but now Bonaparte is defeated, they each mean to claim their portion of a new and prosperous England. However, their long-time enemy Shaheed Mir has other plans. The Persian warlord believes one of the Realm has stolen a fist-sized emerald, and the Baloch intends to have its return or his revenge. JAMES KERRINGTON, the future Earl of Linworth left his title and his infant son behind after the death of his beloved Elizabeth, but he has returned to England to tend his ailing father and to establish his roots. With Daniel as his heir, Kerrington has no need to marry, but when Eleanor Fowler stumbles and falls into his arms, Kerrington's world is turned upon its head. He will do anything to claim her. LADY ELEANOR FOWLER has hidden from Society, knowing her father's notorious reputation for debauchery has tainted any hopes she might have of a happy marriage. And yet, despite her fears, her brother's closest friend, James Kerrington, has rekindled her hopes, but when Sir Louis Levering appears with proof of Eleanor's participation in her father's wickedness, she is drawn into a world of depravity, and only Kerrington's love can save her. The first fully original series from Austen pastiche author Jeffers is a knockout. - Publishers Weekly Jeffers's characters stay in the reader's heart and mind long after the last page has been turned. - Favored Elegance