Publisher's Synopsis
A Texan's Pride is the tale of a semi-retired Texas Ranger named Jess Walker. He's semi-retired because, though he turned in his badge to Captain Rodgers in El Paso at the Battalion headquarters, he still can't ignore situations that call for a seasoned gun fighter to administer justice. He's so very tired of killing...but he does it so well. He heads to East Texas to the Humble area, looking for good homesteading land, where he would just love to settle down. In the process of acquiring land and settling in the small town of Humble, just fifteen miles north of Houston, he meets the beautiful, green-eyed, scarlet-haired, Mayor's daughter, Lizzie Humble. Her emerald eyes are captivating and soon have succeeded in capturing Jess' heart. On their picnic at the lake, Jess learns the true nature of the beautiful girl: her big heart and her love for her fellow man, her firm belief in the development of Texas as a thriving state, her strong principles of justice and fairness. A card-shark in the Randall bar whom Jess had to pistol whip one afternoon, turns out to be wanted in Lousiana for bank robbery and the sheriff arrests the drifter, securing him in the town jail. But all hell breaks loose when the gambler is sprung from jail and Lizzie is kidnapped for a hostage. Jess has no choice but to strap on his 45's and, with his Indian friend, Silent Runner, he tracks the kidnappers into the woods to rescue Lizzie and deal with the murderers and thieves. His deadly 45's deal true justice to the murdering filth who kidnapped his precious Lizzie.