Publisher's Synopsis
Welcome to book 1 of the Good Mistress series of scenes!'Can I go home now?' I thought to myself as I glanced across the table, barely glancing at my latest disaster in my attempt to find my new muse... Ian. Every woman's dream... Almost. 5'10", tan, built, brown hair and blue eyes and if I were to judge by the looks the waitress kept slipping him, attractive. I didn't see it because I didn't feel it. Nothing. No spark, no chemistry, no angels singing... Nothing. To understand where I am now, sitting next to quite possibly the most boring man I've ever met, I first need to tell what led me to this point... I am the Director of Security for a private medical corporation, and I do love to be in charge...So much so that the men I meet steer clear of me. I also have a seemingly permanently empty assistant's position that no-one seems to last more than 2 days in. Two birds, one stone... Time to think (and look) outside the box. My idea of an answer to my little problems? Place my own version of a 'help wanted' ad and then cross my fingers I find my new toy, I mean muse, to 'inspire' me to be more... creative. Really, is it so hard to find a guy who can talk about something other than himself, who does what he's told and does so with a smile? That is both responsive and docile? That actually understands that the role of an assistant is very close to that of a submissive/slave? That can keep up with me both inside and outside of these glass walls I work behind? Ian has not passed the test, he is not what I'm looking for, and he knows it by the end of lunch when I excuse myself to pay the tab and leave him sitting there staring after me. My last thought as I leave the restaurant 'I have one more to interview tomorrow, and Julian Devereux hopefully fits my requirements.' The fact that there is only one applicant left after the 68 I received for the ad is not lost on me as I climb into the cab to go home to prepare for my morning interview... *this is a book of scenes to accompany the Company Playground Series soon to be released. Look for all 13 books in the new series! 1. New beginnings: # 69 2. The Assistant: Michael's Dilemma 3. The Chase: Winning Back His Heart 4. Corporate Games: Finding Jackson 5. Where All Roads Lead: Compromise 6. A Long Way From Kansas: The Training of Julian 7. Follow The Red Rabbit: Behind The Mirror Julian's Secret 8. Into The Darkness: Little Lost Lamb 9. Angel With The Red Wings: Paradise Found (has prequel background, will release first) 10. The Red Field: The Doctor Is In 11. The Red Queen: Battleground 12. Home Is Where The Heart Is?: Julian's Choice 13. Mergers, Acquisitions And Happy Endings: Welcome Home Mr. Andrews!