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A Study of customer satisfactin recommend intentions in Managing Loyalty in retail banking

A Study of customer satisfactin recommend intentions in Managing Loyalty in retail banking

Paperback (05 Sep 2022)

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Paperback (05 Sep 2022) RRP $44.71 $32.54

Publisher's Synopsis


The services sector is the most important sector, which contributes largely (54 %) to the national

economy. In India, the banking service is an important component of the services sector. It has been so due

to the increased significance of financial services in post - the reforms era. In the recent years, a number of

the private sector and foreign banks have entered the Indian market and made it more competitive. The

onset of competition from the private players and the initiation of banking reforms in the early 1990s has

led to an increased emphasis on efficient customer service (Narsimham Committee, 1991).

Book information

ISBN: 9780204376491
Publisher: Dom Publishers
Imprint: Maharishi Markandeshwar University
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 196
Weight: 268g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm