Publisher's Synopsis
TRANSCENDENTAL UNITY OF RELIGIONS 1.1 Introduction Philosophers, historians and scholars have been struggling throughout historical evolution of man to figure out the nature and function of Religion. As it happened, religions have originated from Asian parts of the Globe; West Asia, Persia, India, China and Japan. Numerous religions or religious movements have, of course, fizzled out across the historical evolution. The present living religions from West Asia are Judaism, Christianity and Islam; from Persia, Zoroastrianism and Baha'ism; from India, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism; fromChina, Taoism and Confucianism and from Japan Shintoism. For thousands of years, these religions had almost no interaction with one another. However, Scientific and technological developments led to slow and steady change. In view of the same, numerous religious and cultural traditions have been facing one another for the last five hundred years. This face off exacerbated by economic, industrial and technological advancement inspired several substantive inter-religious challenges as well as methodological questions of exceeding signifies. The most important methodological question faced by various religions was the foregrounding of the problem of truth. Historically speaking, it has been the ambition of all the followers of respective religions to bring out the truth of their religions and correspondingly critique the false claims advanced by the followers of other religions. However, there were no logical arguments or scientific verification which could prove the claims of any one of the religions. Religious exclucism could not be supported on logical, scientific or any other methodological grounds. It led to.