A Simple Guide to Eco-Spirituality

A Simple Guide to Eco-Spirituality

Paperback (01 Mar 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Describing some of the basic concepts of eco-spirituality and explaining how to put them into practice, this engaging guide helps readers develop an ecological and social conscience with very little ado. The manual explains how an individual can put sustainability and spiritual practice into her immediate environment, as well as how to apply faith connections into caring for the earth. Readers also learn about the best ways to consider eco-justice approaches to social problems, how to help the earth through community programs, and how to begin developing a spiritual ethic of care for others and for the planet.

Book information

ISBN: 9781935462514
Publisher: Luminis Books
Imprint: Luminis Books
Pub date:
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 110g
Height: 179mm
Width: 128mm
Spine width: 6mm