A Sensational Encounter With High Socialist China

A Sensational Encounter With High Socialist China

Paperback (30 Nov 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A Sensational Encounter with High Socialist China is a recollection of the historic visit of fourteen American students (and one Canadian) to China in 1971. The visit was one of the first approved for American scholars after the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949 and occurred prior to President Nixon's famous trip (as well as that of a second group of scholars) in 1972. One of these students, Paul Pickowicz, kept a journal and photographically documented the trip. This book is a personal account of the events leading up to their visa approvals as well as those that occurred during the journey itself. The five senses are used to connect the reader to his experience and are placed in the context of a theatrical production. The images included have been selected from an archive at the University of California, San Diego, which digitized the author's images as well as those of others in the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars (CCAS) taken during both the 1971 and 1972 delegations.

Book information

ISBN: 9789629374334
Publisher: City University of Hong Kong Press
Imprint: City University of Hong Kong Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 951.05
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 220
Weight: 635g
Height: 198mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 20mm