Publisher's Synopsis
In the midst of World War II, as Hitler unleashes his most devastating attack on London since the Blitz, a sinister plot unfolds in the shadows. The British government faces a new threat: a rogue wing of the Irish Republican Army, determined to resurrect the deadly S-Plan Bombing campaign that claimed innocent lives in 1939.
Enter Maggie Carroll, a struggling Irish mother whose husband is fighting on the front lines. Facing constant hostility in war-torn London, Maggie seizes an opportunity to gather information for an old acquaintance, hoping to secure a better future for her children. But as she delves deeper into the world of espionage, the stakes become higher than she ever imagined.
With suspicion lurking around every corner, Maggie must navigate a treacherous landscape where one wrong move could spell disaster for her and her family. In this gripping tale of secrets, sacrifice, and the unsung heroes of the home front, author Jackie Sharp weaves a masterful narrative that will keep you guessing until the very last page.