Publisher's Synopsis
This, A New Dawn - Planet on the Brink of Extinction, is a truly spell-binding, first in a series novel that will move and inspire any reader. Researched and written over a period of five plus years by the two well educated authors who bring this tale to you, it is an astonishing account that borders between reality and fiction, touching every aspect of life as we know it on Planet Earth, from falling in love to dealing with grief during the illnesses and passing of loved ones, to political corruption, corporate greed, terrorism, blackmail, development and implementation of futuristic high tech gadgets, development of advanced space vehicles, the feeling of space travel and its inherent possible dangers for travelers, challenging and jaw-dropping encounters with inhabitants similar to us of other planets, highly sophisticated protective space shields in other planets, and super classified projects to help avert a total extinction of the planet, just to name a few. The setting takes place in a planet similar to our own. And like in Planet Earth, for thousands of years the major continents of the planet in this series of novels beginning with this one, thrived from the progressive economic boom enjoyed by billions but their leaders paid little attention to the catastrophic consequences caused to their global environment by irresponsible inhabitants-induced events. But as drastic and as horrifying the events may seem, there is always a slim chance of hope for every one of us. And in this series of tantalizing stories, a small group of courageous inhabitants, with unlimited financial backing, decided to join forces as a team to provide the leadership and vision to reverse the course of events to avert total planet's annihilation. Their decisiveness gave rise to the beginning of A New Dawn for the planet and its inhabitants.