A Journey

A Journey Growth in Different Levels on Varying Pathways, Poetry With a Message- To Show God's Love Throughout the Journey of Life

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Publisher's Synopsis

A Journey is a collection of poetry that shows God's love through glimpses into some of the different levels and experiences of a Christian walk. This work explores how God's love permeates the walk even through highs and lows, through pitfalls, stumbling blocks and over mountains that seem insurmountable while on the journey.

At times there are extreme highs on a journey that enable you to soar. The highs of the journey make you want to surrender and glide on the crests of the highs. Sometimes there are twists and turns and lows that make you wonder, "How did I get here?" or "How did this happen?" The key points in getting through to the other side on your journey are knowledge of God's love, being able to worship in the midst of situations, and knowing that God has provided a way of escape, a Guide, a Comforter, power, strength, fortitude, grace, mercy and a means to sustain you as you travel on your own personal journey.

About the Publisher

WestBow Press

At WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan, we help authors self-publish books. As a Christian publisher, we publish books of all genres but specialize in books with Christian morals, inspirational themes and family values.

Book information

ISBN: 9781973663959
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: WestBow Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 182
Weight: 280g
Height: 150mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 16mm